# Introduction to Matching

The DX2 Portal can be configured to use a matching process which is at line level rather than document level.

Contact Olympic software if you believe your organisation would benefit from line level matching. This feature is not available as part of the standard DX2 functionality and needs to be enabled by Olympic Software.


DX2 cannot have both the document level and line level match at the same time.

The default behaviour of DX2 is to perform a document level match between a Purchase Order and an Invoice.

Line level match is a solution for customers who require a system that performs a line level match of Invoice with the Purchase Order and Receipt.

# Key points

  • Line match attempts to match an Invoice received from a Trading Partner with a Purchase Order and Receipt for the same Trading Partner.
  • Purchase orders are either created via DX2 Purchase or brought into the DX2 Portal from external applications.
  • Receipts are entered in the DX2 Portal as opposed to DX2 Purchase.
  • Invoice lines are matched with Receipts/Purchase Order lines.
  • Matching and Approval takes place at line level.
  • Tolerances can be setup for approval at line level as well as at document level.


Tolerance setup is for the Approvals process only and not for the Matching process.

Last Updated: 12/10/2022, 12:10:54 am