# Introduction to Requisitions

All organisations have a requirement for items or services, which are handled by the procurement department. This requirement needs to be communicated so that it can be evaluated based on existing requests, budget and a purchase order placed with a supplier. A Requisition is the document which helps with this communication between the user and the procurement department.

Requisitions need to be submitted for approval before they can be processed further. Approvals can be setup either at requisition level or at purchase order level. A requisition will go through a slightly different process depending on which approval setup is used. The approver can either Accept or Reject the requisition.

An approved requisition will generate purchase orders for each supplier from whom an item is being ordered.

A rejected requisition will not be processed further but can be used to reorder the same items in future.

Last Updated: 19/06/2019, 10:01:20 pm