# Connector Configuration

The Connector Configuration page looks something like the image below with slight variations depending on the Connection Type. Once you set the Connection Type and Document Type, they cannot be changed. However, if you need to change either of these, delete the current Connector and create a new one. When you finish configuring the Connector, press the Save button on the top right.

Connector Configuration

There are four fields that can be set or edited within the Connector Configurations.

Field Typical usage
Name Location (Trading Partner) you are accessing
Active Active status of the connector
Description (Optional) Document Types that you are retrieving
Trading Partner (Unavailable for API Token) The connected Trading Partner from the dropdown menu

# Disabling a Connector

When the Active button is toggled off, then the connection that you set up will be paused. Disabled Connectors will look like this in the Connectors list.

Connector Disabled

# Connection Type Settings

There are further settings within the Connector Configurations to establish a connection between you and your Trading Partner. To learn about how to set up the connection, check out the setup processes for SFTP, FTP, and API Tokens.

Last Updated: 18/08/2019, 11:19:45 pm